Dr Serena Pattaro
- Research Fellow (Urban Studies & Social Policy)
- Associate (School of Health & Wellbeing)
0044 (0)141 330 5981
Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC), 7 Lilybank Gardens (Room 7/403), University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8RZ
I am Research Fellow and Co-Investigator within the Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research (SCADR). I am currently working on three research areas involving the analysis of linked administrative data from the benefits, tax and health systems:
- Socioeconomic, household and environmental risk factors for COVID-19
- Health and labour market transitions in Scotland and England & Wales
- The causal effects of benefit sanctions on health
I was awarded a DPhil from Nuffield College at the University of Oxford with a doctoral thesis on ‘Women’s employment instability and fertility dynamics: Cross-cohort changes in Italy and Sweden’, where I modelled women's childbearing and labour market transitions, by using survival analysis techniques applied to retrospective life history data.
Prior to joining Glasgow, I was involved on a research project on ‘Fertility postponement and recuperation in Britain’ at the ESRC Centre for Population Change at the University of Southampton. This project entailed the application of survival modelling techniques on micro data from two major British cohort studies: the 1958 National Child Development Studies and 1970 British Cohort Study.
Research interests
- Labour market dynamics
- Unemployment
- Social and health inequalities
- Welfare policies and welfare reform
- Intra-household inequalities
- Life-course transitions
- Fertility and family dynamics
- Cross-national comparative research
- Quantitative research methods
- Quasi-experimental designs
- Survival analysis
- Multilevel modelling
- Data visualization
- Complex longitudinal survey data and administrative data
- Cross-sectoral data linkage
Research groups
- Just Cities & Societies
- Place & the Built Environment
- Urban Analytics
2022-2026: UK Research Innovation (UKRI) Economic and Social Resarch Council (ESRC) - "University of Edinburgh 2022-2026 ADR UK Programme". Grant reference: ES/W010321/1 (£222,547). Role: Co-Investigator.
2021-2022: UK Research Innovation (UKRI) Economic and Social Resarch Council (ESRC) - "Administrative Data Research Centres 2018". Grant reference: ES/S007407/1 (£139,991). Role: Co-Investigator.
2021: UKRI Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) - UKRI COVID-19 Grant Extension Allocation scheme - "Assessing the impacts of benefit sanctions on health". Grant reference: ES/R005729/1 (£12,131). Role: Co-Investigator.
2018-2021: UKRI ESRC Secondary Data Analysis Initiative - "Assessing the impacts of benefit sanctions on health". Grant reference: ES/R005729/1 (£157,718). Role: Co-Investigator.
I am interested in supervising both undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations/Phd theses in the following areas:
- Labour market dynamics and unemployment
- Social and health inequalities
- Social and labour market policies;
- Welfare reform
- Intra-household inequalities
- Life-course transitions
- Fertility and family dynamics
- Family policies
- Cross-national comparative research
- Quantitative research methods
PhD scholarship funding awards:
2023: UKRI ESRC/Scottish Funding Council Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (SGSSS) Steers Studentship Competition 2022/2023 - Project "Living with disabilities, household conditions and COVID-19: a Scottish population-based study using linked administrative data" (+3 or 1+3 award) (Role: Co-Supervisor; Led applicant)
2023: University of Glasgow College of Social Sciences Postgraduate Research Funding - Project "Studying work, welfare and health through linked administrative data" (+3 award) (Role: Co-Supervisor)
Since 2016 I have supervised the dissertation of students (14 completed) from a range of MSc programmes (e.g. Public Policy and Management; Global Health; International Real Estate and Management; City and Regional Planning; Real Estate and City Planning).
- Quantitative Data Analysis (Postgraduate Taught course, Semester 1), Co-convenor, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow
- An introduction to data science for administrative data research (ISD-ADR) (Postgraduate training course) Contributing lecturer, Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research (SCADR), University of Edinburgh
- Social and Public Policy 2A (Undergraduate course, Semester 1), Contributing lecturer, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow
Additional information
Editorial activities
- Editorial board member of Journal of Social Policy (2021-present)
- Editorial board member of Social Policy and Society (2021-present)
Membership of professional and learned societies:
- Social Policy Association (2017-present)
- Royal Statistical Society (2017-present)
- British Society for Population Studies (2017-present)
Review of journal manuscripts:
- Journal of Social Policy (2021-present)
- Social Policy and Society (2021-present)
- Social Indicators Research (2019-present)
- Demographic Research (2016-present)
- Vienna Yearbook of Population Research (2016-present)
- Population Studies (2018)
Academic affiliation
- Associate member: ESRC Centre for Population Change, University of Southampton (2012-present)
Scientific advisor
- Member of the Advisory Group for the project "Women in multiple low-paid employment: pathways between work, care and health", funded by Nuffield Foundation (PI: Louise Lawson) (2020-2024)
- Research using real-world data, Parallel Session C, International Population Data Linkage Network Conference, 7-9 September 2022, Edinburgh
- Social Mobility, Parallel Session 4C, Administrative Data Research Network Annual Research Conference, 1-2 June 2017, Edinburgh
Panel member
- Researcher Development Concordat Working Group, College of Social Sciences, University of Glasgow (2020-present)
Media/political coverage
"DWP blocks data for study of whether benefit sanctions linked to suicide", The Guardian (2 March 2022)
"Parliamentary debate on The Impacts of Benefit Sanctions", led by Kaukab Stewart MSP (31 March 2022)
The Scottish Parliament (2022) Official Report, Meeting of the Parliament (hybrid) (31 March 2022)
Open letter to Therese Coffey MP, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, signed by Kaukab Stewart, MSP and 30 MSP colleagues (31 March 2022)
"Parliamentary Question on Social Security Benefits: Disqualification for the Department for Work and Pensions (UIN 49671)", tabled by Jonathan Ashworth, MP (8 September 2022)
"Calls for DWP to end cover-up of key benefit sanctions data", The National (31 March 2022)
"UK government report on benefit sanctions should be made public, Kaukab Stewart says", The National (31 March 2022)
"The impacts of benefit sanctions - review article", School of Social and Political Sciences News, University of Glasgow (27 April 2022)
"Health staff mortality rate 'lower in Scotland'" healthandcare.scot - Scotland's health and care news channel (20 January 2022)
"Can we use linked administrative data to identify social disadvantage?" SCADR/ADR UK blog (6 March 2020)